April 4, 16
How to shoot the moon
Learning to shoot the moon is relatively easy once you know how! Read on for tips on how to shoot the moon.
You will need a DSLR camera, a telephoto lens and a tripod isn’t a bad idea! So the equipment is pretty basic! I didn’t even follow my own advice and use a tripod! You might think you need a telephoto lens of at least 500mm, and while that may make things easier I shot this with my Canon 70-200mm IS II. I believe it worked without a tripod so well because of the amazing IS built into this lens. The moon is also very bright especially when its full so I shot at ISO 100.

I obviously shot at full zoom, 200 mm for my lens and really had to crop it out to get a decent moon picture. The original is shown below. You can see just how tiny it is! But with such a low ISO you an afford to zoom in so far. Obviously the quality isn’t as high as if it was shot with a 500 mm lens but for someone like me shooting the moon for fun its good enough! Eventually I would love to get a super telephoto zoom lens, but because they are generally a $5,000 minimum its going to have to wait!

Have any of you shot the moon before or are planning to? I’d love to hear about it if so! Comment below!